Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) will:
- Ensure each and every child leaves PCHS having experienced at least 5 meaningful encounters with employers during Years 9-13.
- Develop students self-awareness, encourage career exploration and develop students’ employability skills.
- Provide students with opportunities for “real life learning” and be an integral part of the school curriculum.
- Provide effective CEIAG that should strengthen student motivation and aspiration, broaden horizons and support and encourage attainment in learning.
- Embed a culture of independent and impartial careers guidance throughout key points of a student’s academic career; Y8-9 transition, GCSE and post-16 options.
- Challenge stereotyping and promote equality and diversity.
- Use our ‘Excellence in Careers’ pages on our school website along with other means of electronic communication so that all students and parents can access relevant CEIAG information and students’ career records.
- Build a network of employers who work with the school regularly to support students in their IAG work.
CEIAG at PCHS has four elements:
- Careers Education: Planned programmes in the curriculum giving students knowledge and skills to help them to plan / manage their own career.
- Career Information: Including options, skills, occupations, labour market information (LMI), pathways and progression routes.
- Careers Advice and Guidance: Independent and impartial careers advice and guidance provided by a L6 qualified careers advisor (Careerwave)
- Work Related Learning: Experiences within and outside the curriculum to help students learn about economic well-being, careers and enterprise
The effectiveness of the school’s careers plan is measured in the following ways:
- Destination data for year 11 and 13
- Number of employer engagements
- Number of employers involved in the programme
- Number of Gatsby Benchmarks the school has achieved
- Data from personal guidance interviews
- Activities across different departments
- Continued Achievement of the Quality in Careers standard (annual reviews) – Full award achieved 4th March 2024 with three further years accreditation.

Date of next review for our careers plan: June/July 2024
For further information please refer to the full school careers plan below:
The careers plan is evaluated throughout each academic year in consultation with all stakeholders and will be reviewed in June/July 2024.
For our Provider Access Policy please click on the link below:
Provider Access Policy 2024-2025
School Careers Leader
John-Paul Nesbitt – Assistant Headteacher
(01661) 832486
Excellence in Careers Education