Good attendance, a committed attitude to work, smart dress and exemplary behaviour are key to the success of students in the Sixth Form. They are the fundamentals of an approach to study which will lead to successful outcomes. We therefore want to be clear what these things mean to us in our Sixth Form and clear with you and your parents/carers what our expectations are. Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in consequences, including loss of 6th form privileges and the  possibility of fixed or permanent exclusion;

Student Expectations

In order to be as successful as possible in Sixth Form we expect you to approach your studies and wider life in the school with the right attitude. Our key expectations are that all Sixth Form students: 

  • Wear their lanyards with their ID cards visible at all times; 
  • Are expected to adhere to our attendance policy and dress code (further details can be found below).
  • Must present themselves on time to each lesson, be well prepared with the correct books and equipment ready to make a worthwhile and valuable contribution.
  • Are responsible for all books and equipment that are issued to them, and are returned in good condition as requested by the teaching staff; 
  • Must work quietly in the LRC and Sixth Form Study Area and other designated study rooms. They should respect other peoples’ rights to private study and therefore need to bear this in mind when using laptops, desktops, and mobile phones.
  • Only use computers for educational purposes relating to their studies. 
  • Act as role models within school and on any educational visits, behaving in an exemplary, responsible way using appropriate language and treating staff, members of the public and other students with courtesy and respect. 
  • Be responsible for catching up on all missed work through sickness or educational visits.

Academic Expectations

  • Ensure all homework is completed on time and all coursework deadlines met.
  • To work independently during study periods. 
  • Students who are not meeting academic targets are expected to actively engage with support measures put in place.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • PCHS Sixth Form expectation is that you maintain an attendance of 96% and above.
  • If you are absent, it is your responsibility to catch up on missed work.
  • If you know you are going to be absent from school or a lesson  then you must inform your subject teachers in advance either in person or via the school email system. 
  • The school day commences at 8.30am. If you arrive after 8.30am but before 8.50am you will be marked as late. If you arrive after 8.50am, without a valid reason, you will be marked as late after the register has closed. This is classed as an unauthorised absence and requires a note from parents/carers. 
  • All students arriving after 8.30am are expected to sign in at Pastoral. Attendance at form time is vital to ensure you complete your University or workplace application forms. During form time, you will complete skills based learning, and focus on next steps and future planning. 
  • Attendance at all lessons is compulsory. 
  • If you are ill, parents/carers must call the school’s Student Absence Line on the first morning of absence stating their name, your name and form, full reason for absence (if due to illness the nature of the ailment must be stated) and, if known, the date you will return to school. If no return date is given parents/carers must call the Absence Line each and every day you are absent. 
  • Parents must notify pastoral of any absences known in advance.  Appointment cards or other evidence including parental/carer letters may be required.
  • Holidays will affect attendance and attainment levels and should not be taken during the school term. Family holidays will not be authorised unless there are extenuating circumstances. 
  • Medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours. 

Sixth Form Dress Code

Whilst we give our students greater freedom and responsibility in Sixth Form we still expect them to present themselves and the school in a positive light. The Sixth Form Dress Code aims to promote smartness and confidence and  to present a positive image particularly for the younger students around the building for whom the Sixth Form are role models.  To be clear, we ask that all Sixth Form students adhere to the guidelines below and all parents/carers support them to do so. 

Dress Code

The following are not permitted.

  • Tracksuit Bottoms (permitted only during PE lessons)
  • Football Strips
  • Camouflage Trousers
  • Sports shorts 
  • Facial Piercings (small nose studs acceptable)
  • Visible tattoos
  • Hats inside the building
  • Cropped tops
  • Strapless tops

Having made the decision to attend PCHS Sixth Form you will be expected to adhere to the above dress code. Sixth Form Tutors will check your appearance every day; if they consider they are dressed inappropriately they will refer you to the Head of Sixth Form who may send you home to change. The Head of Sixth Form will have the final decision on any dress code matters.

Agreement Form

Please print and sign:

PCHS Sixth Form Code of Conduct Agreement