Year 8 into Year 9 transition

Transition lead – Mrs G Boddy

My role is to work with the head of year 9, our wider pastoral team and our feeder middle schools to make sure that your child has a smooth transition to secondary school. I also work closely with all staff to make sure that our children feel safe, settled and ready to take on the many opportunities that await them.

After Easter each year our team are busy visiting our two traditional feeder middle schools along with a range of other schools in the area. This allows us to work closely with year 8 teachers and introduce ourselves to year 8 students. We look for as many opportunities as possible to go to the middle schools and talk to students about all of the fantastic opportunities which they will have access to at PCHS when they arrive. We also give all students and parents the opportunity to visit the schools through the Y8 open evening in the Autumn term, the parents information evening in the Summer term and on transfer day which traditionally takes place in July.

If you have any specific questions about Year 8 to Year 9 transition please send an email to:

[email protected]

Year 8 into Year 9 Transition Evening presentation for parents 4 July 2022