Information for employers
At Prudhoe Community High School we are proud to work with a large number of local and national businesses and we are constantly looking to develop new links to utilise within our careers programme. We are part of the North East Careers Hub and work closely with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership who facilitate the excellent work that goes on in developing careers education here in the North East. As a school we understand our role in preparing young people for the workforce as well as our role in supporting the North East Strategic Economic plan. A condensed version of the Strategic Economic plan is located below:
Examples of how employers currently support the school
- Attending Careers fairs.
- Mock interviews.
- Presentations and assemblies.
- Class talks for specific subject areas.
- Providing case studies for coursework.
- Workplace visits.
- Providing work experience placements
If you would like to support the school with future careers events we would love to hear from you. Please contact the school’s Careers Leader at the following email address. [email protected]
For our Provider Access Policy please click on the link below:
School Careers Leader
John-Paul Nesbitt – Assistant Headteacher
(01661) 832486
Excellence in Careers Education