About the department
The Physical Education department at PCHS aims to develop positive attitudes towards physical activity so that young people become aware of the unique contribution that Physical Education makes to a balanced, active and healthy life and also to equip them with the capacity, knowledge and skills to achieve this. We are a core subject and also offer academic courses at GCSE, Cambridge Technical Level 3, A Level and a Coaching academy in sixth form where students follow the Sports Leadership Level 2 and 3. These courses are delivered by 7 full time PE trained specialists.
Year 9
PE at PCHS is a Core subject and each year group receives 4 hours of PE a fortnight. The Department offers a broad and balanced curriculum, students are given opportunities to plan, perform, enhance and evaluate their work.
In year 9 students receive one lesson per week on games, this includes individual and team sports. Activities covered in the games lesson will be invasion, net/wall and striking and fielding games. The other lesson per week is on Physical Education which includes activities such as gymnastics, trampolining, health related fitness, training methods, dance, athletics and problem solving. Students are encouraged to develop their skills, use tactics and strategies when performing, analyse situations and make decisions. They are encouraged to reflect on their own and their peers’ work and to find ways to improve. Students will learn and understand the importance of a healthy active lifestyle and the benefits of taking part in PE and Sport for life. All students will receive an induction to the fitness room after which they are able to access the room in extra-curricular hours. Within the PE programme in year 9 students will also be taught the following skills within the appropriate activity:
– Outwitting opponents in games activities
– Accurate replication in gymnastic activities
– Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions in dance activities
– Performing at maximum levels in athletic activities
– Identifying and solving problems in outdoor activities
– Exercising safely and effectively in fitness and health activities
At key stage 4 students receive 4 hours a fortnight of Core PE. During these lessons students will build on previously learned skills at key stage 3. Students are encouraged to take on new roles in a curriculum that is again broad and balanced. The activities taught will encourage students to participate in an active and healthy lifestyle both during their time in school and beyond compulsory education. Year 10 & 11 students will also be involved in the Schools Sports Leadership Programme, which is the equivalent of the Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership. This is the first of many leadership and coaching opportunities offered by the PE Department. The course is designed to develop generic leadership skills, which can be applied to a variety of sporting activities. It covers organisation, communication, health & fitness, fair play & officiating. By the end of the programme students will have the necessary skills to take on national governing body awards such as the FA Level 1 course held annually at the High School. The Level 2 and 3 awards in Sports Leadership are available to all students in the sixth form.
The PE Departments extra-curricular programme makes good use of the excellent facilities, is open to all students, providing extensive opportunities covering an array of activities that are both recreational and competitive. Extra-curricular activities on offer include: Football, rugby, netball, basketball, handball, badminton, dance, trampolining, fitness club, hockey, XC, rowing, table tennis and volleyball. In the summer: tennis, athletics, cricket, rounders and softball. School teams participate in local, regional and national competitions and in most of the activities listed. The excellent facilities include a full size 4G with two additional 5 a-side pitches, 4 court sportshall, 6 tennis courts 4 netball courts, outdoor basketball court, two playing fields for rugby in the winter and 200mts athletics track in the summer, fitness room, dance studio and main hall which we use for trampolining and table tennis.
GCSE PE at PCHS is a popular option subject. Our results are always excellent, one of the top performing Departments in school with results well above national averages. We follow the OCR syllabus which is made up of the following components
Component 1 – Physical factors affecting performance 30%. Assessment: 1 hour external exam paper.
Within this component students will study applied anatomy and physiology including the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. They will be taught the effects of exercise on these systems. They also look at components of fitness, physical training, optimising performance and injury prevention.
Component 2 – Socio-cultural issues and sports psychology 30%. Assessment: 1 hour external exam paper.
Within this component students will study current issues within sport and engagement patterns of different groups within the UK. They will be taught the effects of Commercialisation on sport and physical activity. They also study ethical issues such as drugs and violence in sport.
Component 3 – Performance in physical education. Non-examined assessment NEA (practical):40%
Students will be assessed in three sports one team, one individual and one other from either.
There is also a coursework component – ‘Analysing and evaluating performance’ AEP This will be completed on google classroom as an ongoing assessment over the two year course.
A-Level PE
A Level PE at PCHS follows the OCR syllabus. Results for this subject are excellent and always well above national average. Students will sit three external exams, be assessed in one practical activity and carry out an analysis of performance in one sport by the end of Year 13. Students are expected to participate in their sport throughout the two year course and provide evidence of their own performance for assessment updates.
Component 1: Physiological Factors Affecting Performance (inc. Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics)
Assessment: two hour external exam worth 30%
This group of topics focuses on key systems of the human body involved in movement and physical activity. Candidates will develop their knowledge and understanding of the changes within these body systems prior to exercise, during exercise of differing intensities, and during recovery. Application of this theoretical knowledge will enable candidates to understand how changes in physiological states can influence performance in physical activities and sport. Candidates will be expected to be able to interpret data and graphs relating to changes in these body systems during exercise of differing intensities and during recovery.
Component 2: Psychological Factors Affecting Performance (Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology)
Assessment: one hour external exam worth 20%
This component focuses on the psychological factors affecting physical activities and sports, including: models and theories that affect learning and performance in physical activities; how different methods of training and feedback work and why their effectiveness differs from person to person; group dynamics and the effects of leadership and stress on performers. Through the study of this component, candidates will gain a deeper understanding of the underlying psychological factors that influence our performance in physical activity and sport. They will learn how to apply the theories to practical examples, giving guidance and feedback in constructive ways that are suited to that individual’s personality; therefore assisting in developing practical performance in physical activities and sports.
Component 3: Socio-cultural and Contemporary Issues (Contemporary issues in Sport, Sociology and History of Sport)
Assessment: one hour external exam worth 20%
This component focuses on the sociological and contemporary factors that influence and affect physical activity and sport for both the audience and the performer and how sport affects society. It includes the emergence and evolution of modern sport and how social and cultural factors shaped the characteristics of sports and pastimes in pre industrial and post-industrial Britain. The impact of the modern Olympic Games will be understood as well as the impact on society of hosting global sporting events. The ever-evolving modern technology and its influence on sport performers and spectators will be understood and practical examples will be used by candidates to show the effect of modern technology.
Component 4: Performance within Physical Education
Assessment: Non examined assessment in One practical sport worth 15% and the Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for Improvement (EAPI) worth 15%. Learners will be required to undertake two parts within this component. Part 1: Performance/coaching of a sport or activity from the approved DfE list. Part 2: The Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for Improvement (EAPI) of a sport or activity from the approved DfE list.
Cam Tech Sport
Cambridge Technical Level 3 Diploma in Sport and Physical Activity at PCHS is the equivalent of two A Levels in time and points for UCAS. The results for this vocational subject are traditionally very high and always well above national average.
Over this two year course students will study a total of twelve units. These will be assessed by three external exams in three units with all other units being assessed by coursework. Unit 1 Body systems and the effects of physical activity Exam Unit 2 Sports coaching and activity leadership C/work Unit 3 Sports organisation and development Exam Unit 4 Working safely in sport, exercise, health and leisure Exam Unit 5 Performance analysis in sport and exercise C/work Unit 8 Organisation of sports events C/work Unit 11 Physical activities for specific groups C/work Unit 13 Health and fitness testing for sport and exercise C/work Unit 17 Sports injuries and rehabilitation C/work Unit 18 Practical skills in Sport C/work Unit 19 Sport and exercise psychology C/work Students must use google classroom where all tasks will be set and have to be completed and submitted by the students. We expect students to be heavily involved in extra-curricular sport within school and/or the local community. As part of this course they will also complete the Level 3 Sports Leaders qualification where they will gain accreditation for their hours of community service. We also have a Coaching academy in sixth form where students complete the Sports Leadership Level 2 and 3 and they will be given the opportunity to complete a National Governing Body coaching and/or officiating award in the sport of their choice. These students are heavily involved in offering opportunities in the Community. All students will complete at least 30 hours of voluntary community service. |
Links to key documents
Details of our curriculum plans can be found here:
After School Sports Clubs