Uniform is a very important part of our school and community. It enable us to promote a sense of identity, to avoid divisiveness and helps create and foster in every student a sense of personal pride and pride in the school.
Specialist items such as blazers, the new school skirt and school ties can be purchased from our uniform supplier (details below). The remainder of the uniform can be purchased from most high street stores and supermarkets.
We encourage all students and parents to donate any unwanted uniform that remains in good condition. This can be taken directly to pastoral or to the main reception. The Miners Lamp at Eastwoods Park also has donated uniform items that families can access.
Uniform Supplier
Princess Court
Low Prudhoe Industrial Estate
NE42 6PL
Tel: 01661 835 240
Email: [email protected]

- Grey school blazer with embroidered logo
- School tie
- Plain black trousers
- Plain white school shirt
- Plain black shoes
- Black socks
- Grey school jumper
- Grey school blazer with embroidered logo
- School tie
- Plain black trousers or grey checked school skirt (purchased from Salto)
- Plain white school shirt
- Plain black shoes
- Plain black socks / tights
- Grey school jumper
Shoes should be plain black in colour, leather or leather-look (students should not wear canvas shoes). Footwear should not have any badges or labels. Boots e.g. Uggs, Doc Martens etc are not allowed.
Trousers should be tailored and cover the ankles. Jeans, jeggings, leggings etc. are not allowed.
Skirts should be no shorter than just above the knee and should be only the grey checked skirts available from Salto. No other skirts should be worn. .
Blazers, skirts and school ties can be bought via Salto. Trousers, jumpers and shirts can be sourced from anywhere.
- Jewellery is not allowed. Any piercing where a retainer is required is not allowed.
- Hairstyles must be sensible and suitable for school and learning.
- Makeup should be natural in its appearance. (Nail / eyelash extensions are not allowed in school)
Boys PE Kit
- Navy/sky rugby shirt
- Navy/sky shorts
- Navy/sky knee length football socks
- Plain navy or black track pants
- Navy/sky hooded top
- Navy/sky polo shirt
Girls PE Kit
- Navy/sky polo shirt
- Navy/sky hooded top
- Navy/sky shorts or Navy/sky skort
- Navy/sky socks
- Plain navy/black track pants
- Plain navy/black running leggings
Compulsory (for boys and girls)
- Indoor training shoes with laces suitable for the new sports hall
- Boots (no metal studs or blades) or Astro trainers suitable for 4G football, hockey and rugby
- Shin pads for hockey and football
- Gum shield for hockey/rugby
Sixth Form Dress Code
Although there is no uniform in the Sixth Form, students are expected to be appropriately dressed for lessons. Facial piercing, tracksuit bottoms, camouflage trousers and sports tops are not permitted. Further guidance can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus. The Sixth Form are expected to be smart and follow similar patterns to staff dress, i.e. dress standards acceptable in business and work environments. Lanyards are required every day and must be worn visibly.
All valuables should be kept in a secure place. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost or stolen property or goods. Property or goods left will be at the owners’ risk.
All items should be clearly marked inside with the students’ name so they can be returned to the rightful owner in the event of loss. Any lost property not claimed or not clearly marked will be discarded or donated to the local charity shop at the end of each term.